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Artificial Intelligence for Next Generation Energy

I-NERGY is an EU-funded H2020 innovation project around Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Next Generation Energy aiming at reshaping the energy sector value chain towards better business and operational performance, increased environmental sustainability, and the creation of a stronger social fabric propagating high social value among citizens.

Funding Call
Business Categories


I-NERGY will run for 3 years has an overall budget of approximately €5m and will distribute around €2m among its selected open call beneficiaries. 

The project will launch 2 open calls to select 10 and 15 Bottom-up Projects. The 1st Open Call was targeted to SMEs and Startups developing building blocks for new AI algorithms/services and small-scale experiments with an expected outcome of fully functional prototypes. The 2nd Open Call was targeted to consortiums made up of Start-up / SME (service developer / provider), plus 1 EPES stakeholder to develop MVPs. 

In both cases, the selection process prioritised projects maximising the impact of the platform and demonstrating the benefit of AI in products, processes, or services.

Announcing the winners of I-NERGY's Second Call: Get Acquainted!

Following a careful review and assessment of 80 applications from 26 European Union and Associated Countries member states, the I-NERGY initiative selected the 15 winning proposals who have embarked on a nine-month-long Technical Transfer Programme (TTP) in March 2023.

Each beneficiary will receive a financial grant of up to 100,000 Euros and invaluable mentorship services.

The selected beneficiaries have the goal to develop new services on top of existing technologies (Minimum Viable Products) addressing specific cross-sectorial challenges within the Energy sector or an energy-related domain. The services are being developed and tested within a pilot setting in order to get to a fully functional stage with produced assets being published on Europe’s AI on-demand platform.

All selected proposals were submitted by consortia of 2 members (mandatory), made up of a technology service provider/developer (SME) and an infrastructure provider/data owner willing to implement an energetic solution (any entity) with the selected third parties representing a total of 12 European Countries.

For further details, access the comprehensive Evaluation Report here.
Additional information on the I-NERGY Open Call is available here.

Meet the winners here.


I-NERGY  1st Open Call

After the assessment and evaluation of 126 submitted applications from 27 European Union and Associated Countries, the I-NERGY project has selected the 10 winning proposals to join its first 6-month long Technical Transfer Programme, starting at the end of April 2022, which includes up to 50,000 Euros funding per beneficiary and mentoring services.

Meet the winners here.



Assets related to I-NERGY