cortecs - Europe's AI Cloud
Good practice usage guides about the baseline technology of the iMagine AI platform
Good practice usage guides about the baseline technology of the iMagine AI platform
Best practice document on image analysis with AI, with a specific focus on aquatic sciences but applicable to any research field
Best practice document on image analysis with AI, with a specific focus on aquatic sciences but applicable to any research field
Ecosystem mapping gives an overview of the research, development and innovation activities on AI-related themes across Europe and helps finding organisations across Europe on specific AI themes.
This experimental AI-powered service automatically extracts representative keyframes from a video. The service also identifies and improves the resolution of faces and text detected within the keyframes for better clarity.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a pivotal technology of the 21st century, prompting the rapid development of undergraduate and postgraduate AI education programs worldwide. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of these programs, spanning the...
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Image Auto Tagging technology enables automatic assignment of relevant tags or keywords to vast collections of images and videos.