AI4EU Stakeholder Forum
The final AI4EU event showcased outcomes from the project
and brought together AI experts and SMEs to explore the next
steps of the European AI on demand strategy.

AI4EU is the European Union’s landmark Artificial Intelligence project, which aims to develop a European AI ecosystem bringing together the available knowledge, algorithms, tools and resources, making it a compelling solution for users.
AI4EU facilitates collective work regarding AI research, innovation and business in Europe by sharing AI expertise, knowledge and tools with its Platform. AI4EU will make AI available to everyone.
The event, held in Bologna, is the last of a series of public AI4EU events across Europe. During the two days, participants will learn about innovative applications of AI in a wide range of research and business areas as outcomes of the project.


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This is a free-access event however, registration is required for organisational purposes and health measures need.
Please complete the Event Registration Form and join us at the event!
Venue: Hotel I Portici, Via dell’Indipendenza 69, IT-40121 Bologna
Info: roberta.calegari@unibo.it, angelica.mazzina@unibo.it

Alessandro Saffiotti is full professor of Computer Science at Orebro University, Sweden, where he leads the Cognitive Robotic Systems Lab. He has worked in Artificial Intelligence for more than 30 years. He is a director of the European robotics association euRobotics, and the scientific manager of AI4EU.

Andrea Micheli (M) is a researcher at FBK focusing on the development and technology transfer of planning technologies. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Trento in 2016. For his PhD thesis titled "Planning and Scheduling in Temporally Uncertain Domains'' won several awards (the EurAI Best Dissertation Award, the "Marco Cadoli" prize for Young PhDs, the FBK's best PhD award and a honorable mention at the ICAPS Best Dissertation award). He currently works in the field of Temporal Planning and is the main developer of the TAMER planner. He participated in more than 5 projects in which planning technologies have been deployed in real applications. He is also lead developer of the pysmt (www.pysmt.org) open-source project aiming at providing a standard Python API for satisfiability modulo theory solvers. He is author of more than 30 papers in the Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence fields, and he served in the Program Committees of the major conferences in AI and Planning.

Annika Linck is Policy Manager at the European DIGITAL SME Alliance, an association of small and medium-sized enterprises in the digital sector. As Policy Manager, she coordinates and develops the association’s position papers on a variety of digital policy files and coordinates the association’s advocacy towards the EU institutions. As the coordinator of the Focus Group Artificial Intelligence (FG AI) and Working Group Software Patents & IPR (WG IPR), she engages closely with SMEs around technology topics, and organises stakeholder workshops and events. Annika relies on excellent research, clear communication and organisational skills. Further, she is fluent in German, English, French and speaks Chinese at an intermediate level. Her main interests revolve around the digital transformation of society and the economy and how to shape it in a sustainable manner.

Arnaud Gotlieb is an expert of the application of Artificial Intelligence to the validation of software-intensive systems, cyber-physical systems including industrial robotics and autonomous systems. He completed his PhD on automatic test data generation using constraint logic programming in 2000 at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and got habilitated (HDR) in Dec. 2011 from University of Rennes, France. Dr. Gotlieb has co-authored more than 120 publications in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering and developed several tools for testing safety-critical systems. He was the scientific coordinator of the French ANR-CAVERN project (2008-2011) for Inria, dedicated to the verification of software systems with abstraction-based methods and he led the research-based innovation centre Certus dedicated to software validation and verification (2011-2019) at Simula. He was awarded with the prestigious RCN FRINATEK grant for the T-LARGO project on testing learning robots (2018-2022). He leads the industrial pilots experiments of the H2020 AI4EU Project (2019-2021), dedicated to the creation of the European AI-on-demand platform. Dr. Gotlieb has served in many PCs including IJCAI, AAAI, CP, ICSE-SEIP, ICST, ISSRE, co-chaired the scientific program of QSIC 2013, the SEIP track of ICSE 2014, the “Testing and Verification” track of CP from 2016 to 2019. He co-chaired the first IEEE Artificial Intelligence Testing Conference in 2019 and he is an associate editor of the Wiley Software Testing, Verification and Reliability journal. In 2021, he has co-created RESIST, the first Inria-Simula associate team dedicated the development of resilient software-systems.

Atia Cortés is a post-doctoral researcher at the Social Link Analytics unit of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. She has a long experience in European and national funded projects, mainly related to AI applications in healthcare. She is the co-director of the AI4EU Observatory for Society and AI.

Professor Barry O’Sullivan works in the fields of artificial intelligence, constraint programming, operations research, ethics, and public policy for AI and data analytics. He is a full professor at the School of Computer Science & IT at University College Cork, where he is also the founding Director of the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at UCC, Principal Investigator at the Confirm Centre for Smart Manufacturing, and Director of the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research Training in Artificial Intelligence. Professor O’Sullivan is a Past President of the European Artificial Intelligence Association and was vice chair of the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on AI. In 2020 he was elected a member of the Executive Council of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). He is an Adjunct Professor at Monash University, Australia. Professor O’Sullivan has received UCC’s Leadership Award (2013) and the ACP Distinguished Service Award (2014). He was Science Foundation Ireland Researcher of the Year (2016), UCC Researcher of the Year (2017), and elected member of the Royal Irish Academy (2017), Ireland’s highest academic accolade. He is a Fellow of the Irish Computer Society (2018) and the Irish Academy of Engineering (2019). In 2019 he was appointed by the Minister for Health to the Health Research Consent Declaration Committee. He received the IPEC-EATCS Nerode Prize (2020) for his work on parameterised complexity which has been published in the Journal of the ACM.

Catelijne Muller is President and co-founder of ALLAI, an independent organization that promotes Responsible development, deployment and use of AI. She was a member of EU High Level Expert Group on AI, that advised the European Commission on economic, social, legal and ethical strategies for AI. She is AI Rapporteur of the European Economic and Social Committee where she wrote (a.o.) the EESC opinions on Artificial Intelligence and Society and the AI Act, and headed the EESC Thematic Study Group on AI from 2018 - 2020. She advises the Council of Europe on the impact of AI on human rights, democracy and the rule of law and is a member of the OECD Network of AI Experts (ONE.AI). Catelijne is a Master of Laws by training and worked as a Dutch qualified lawyer for over 14 years prior to committing her efforts to the topic of Responsible AI.

Elisa has a background in Computer Science. She has been involved in several projects promoting the use of computing and data services among both scientific communities and Industry. She participated in the creation of several DIHs and contributed to defining the EGI AI strategy and liaising with the AI4EU initiative.

Dr. Emilia Tantar is Chief Data and AI Officer at Black Swan LUX, spin-off of the University of Luxembourg, she co-founded in 2015. She previously held the Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer position at INCERT G.I.E. and led the Artificial Intelligence (AI) efforts of PwC Luxembourg as Senior Manager. She has over 15 years experience delivering AI to the business market as researcher and strategic consultant. She has edited 7 volumes in Springer and has authored more than 20 journal papers and scientific articles, collaborating with entities such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) or the Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). As TedX speaker she regularly delivers keynotes and participates in exchanges for OECD, European Commission, within the research and business communities. Emilia is co-convener of the CEN and CENELEC JTC 21 AI Ad-hoc WG on AI Conformity assessment, President of Luxembourg AI national mirror committee and delegate on AI standardization in the CEN CENELEC JTC 21 Strategic Advisory Group and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 42 working groups. She is member of the European Observatory of ICT Standardization WG on AI, where she co-authored the EUOS report of TWG-AI: Landscape of AI Standards, June 2021. She is also a member of the European Commission Digital SME Focus Group on AI and acts as an expert for the European Commission for several years, evaluating and monitoring digital and artificial intelligence related initiatives.

Emilia Gómez (Bsc/Msc in Electrical Engineering, PhD in Computer Science) is Principal Investigator on Human and Machine Intelligence (HUMAINT) and scientific coordinator of AI WATCH at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission. Her team contributes with scientific and technical knowledge to EC Artificial Intelligence policies including the recently proposed AI Act. She is also a Guest Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). Her research is grounded on the Music Information Retrieval field, where she develops technologies to support music listening experiences. Starting from music, she researches on the impact of AI into human behaviour. Dr. Gómez has co-authored >150 peer-reviewed publications, open datasets and software packages, supervised 11 PhD theses, co-founded a company (BMAT) and contributed to many funded projects. She is currently a member of the Spanish National Council for AI and the OECD One AI expert group.

Dr. Fredrik Heintz is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Linköping University, Sweden, the Coordinator of TAILOR, board member of EurAI and board member of Adra. He leads the Reasoning and Learning group. His research focus is artificial intelligence especially Trustworthy AI and the intersection between knowledge representation and machine learning. He is the Director of the Graduate School for the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), coordinator of the TAILOR ICT-48 network developing the scientific foundations of Trustworthy AI, and the President of the Swedish AI Society. He is also very active in education activities both at the university level and in promoting AI, computer science and computational thinking in primary, secondary and professional education. Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).

He holds a PhD in Computer Science and Technology from University Carlos III of Madrid on the topic of applied modeling and simulation of energy aware Cloud Computing environments. and a MSc in Distributed, Multimedia and Secure computing systems. He has participated in several Spanish National Projects, led the simulation workpackage in CACTOS FP7 project at Dublin City University in 2015 and has been working as technical coordinator and other roles in many H2020 EU projects such as RECAP, CloudLightning, HumaneAI, TAILOR, VISION, StairwAI and AI4EU.

She has a 20-year experience in consulting for national and European Institutions, especially in the design & evaluation of digital policies and technological innovation. She has been involved in several projects with a focus on AI and DIHs, such as “AI DIH Network”, “DIH-World”, “VISION”, “DIH4AI” and “ETAPAS”.

At CKIR, he oversees a team of researchers working on EU, Business Finland and Academy of Finland-funded multi-year research projects in the fields of AI, IoT, platform economy and industry data ecosystems. Ilkka is also a Member of the GAIA-X AISBL Data Spaces Business Committee, Fellow of Combient, the Nordic Industry Network of 32 leading Nordic enterprises and a Senior Advisor to EU companies in the areas of digital transformation, corporate relations and innovation ecosystem management. He is the Chair of the Finnish Information Society Development Centre and a board member in selected organizations. Prior to his current roles, Ilkka has been a Vice President at Combient Finland 2018-21, Vice President at the Finland Chamber of Commerce 2012-2018, Director of Business Environment Strategy at the Nokia Corporation 2000-12, where he held leadership positions in strategy, venturing, strategic marketing and corporate relations. He has been an active member and participant at the European Roundtable of the Industrialists, the International Chamber of Commerce, the OECD, the World Bank and the UN Internet Governance Forum. His academic experience ranges from leading European and US universities to the UN World Institute of Development Economics Research. He continues to serve as an expert for the European Commission on AI, IoT and digital economy issues.
BCA Bonseyes, is a non-profit organisation responsible for developing the Bonseyes AI Marketplace and a partner in two ICT49 projects, BonsAPPs and StairwAI. Jean-Marc Bonnefous is also board member and investor in a number of technology and fintech start-ups and companies. He teaches finance and blockchain technology courses at the Master in Finance at the IE Business School in Madrid since 2014.

Dr. Joachim Köhler received his diploma and Dr.-Ing. degree in Communication Engineering from the RWTH Aachen and Munich University of Technology in 1992 and 2000, respectively. Since June 1999 he is with Fraunhofer IAIS in Sankt Augustin and head of the department NetMedia. His current research interests include machine/deep learning, speech recognition, and cloud-based multimedia information architectures. Now he acts as technical manager in the AI4EU project, building a European AI on-demand platform.

Kerstin is an associate professor at NTNU’s Computer Science Department, where she is the program manager of the NorwAI and works in the Norwegian Open AI Lab. Her research focuses on AI methods such as Case-Based Reasoning. She investigates how to make knowledge and experience available through intelligent systems.

Martin holds a masters degree in Electrical Engineering from RWTH Aachen and is currently the Lead Architect of AI4EU Experiments. Before joining Fraunhofer in 2019 to focus on AI, he worked for more than 20 years as a developer and architect for large scale enterprise systems based and Java and Linux.
She has a degree in Political Sciences and International Studies by the University of Santiago de Compostela, master in European policies by the ULB (Belgium) and MBA by EAE. Mayte has been active for the last 20 years in public funding for innovation, taking part in international projects with different roles. Mayte is currently playing a leading role in several initiatives for supporting the digital transformation of European companies, such as ICT for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS), Digital Innovation Hubs Network (DIHNET) or PhotonHub, as well as facilitating the connection among deep tech startups with private capital.

She is full professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She is past Deputy President of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and past Executive Councilor of the Association for the Advancements of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), past member of the Executive Committee of the Association for Constraint Programming and of the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence. She has been and is currently involved in the definition of the Italian AI Strategy and member of the Program Committee of Cluster 4 of Horizon Europe. Her research activity concerns Artificial Intelligence with particular focus on decision support and optimization systems covering both theoretical and practical aspects. In this field Michela Milano has achieved international visibility. She is Editor in Chief of the Constraints Journal, Member of the Editorial Board of ACM Computing Surveys for the area of Artificial Intelligence, past Area Editor of INFORMS Journal on Computing in the area Logic, Constraint and Optimization. She is author of more than 180 papers on peer reviewed international conferences and journals. She coordinated many European, Italian and regional projects and she is responsible of collaborations with industries.

With 2 passions in life: math and language, I got my bachelor degree in Math & Physics, then I decided to get my second degree in linguistics. In 2019, I got my masters’ degree in translation and since 2017, I’ve been working as a Computational Linguist and Data Scientist on various problems with a special focus on NLP.

Mohamed Chetouani is Full Professor in signal processing and machine learning for human-machine interaction at the Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics at Sorbonne University. His activities cover social signal processing, social robotics and interactive machine learning with applications in psychiatry, social neuroscience and education.

Natalie CERNECKA is Head of Business Development at TeraLab (owned by IMT), which is a DIH that provides a trusted, secure, and sovereign data sharing platform to boost innovation and technology transfer. Natalie holds a PhD from University of Cambridge and worked in academic positions in the UK, France, and Japan. She subsequently moved to tech, working in business development and partnership with focus on data science and AI. Natalie is a coorganiser of the WiMLDS Paris, which promotes women in data science and machine learning and counts over 4000 members.

Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi works on the design and analysis of algorithms for statistical and online learning, multi-armed bandits, and clustering. He co-chaired the program committees of NeurIPS, COLT, and ALT. He is ELLIS fellow and co-director of the ELLIS program on Interactive Learning and Interventional Representations.

Dr Peter Schüller is postdoctoral researcher at Technische UniversitätWien in Austria and heads an AI consulting company. He focuses on the integration of rule-based reasoning with other paradigms, applications in natural language processing, and designing complex AI and database systems.

Roi is a Telecom Engineer with 15+ years experience as Program Manager in the Telco Industry, Open Innovation and Film Industry. As FundingBoxer he has managed several acceleration programs to support startups and SMEs to grow, since 2018 from Denmark, and with focus on AI and robotics programs like RobotUnion or AI4E

Sabine has nearly 20 years of experience in conducting international RTDI projects. The combination of strategic policy and business intelligence applied to strengthen competitiveness and innovation in Europe is her main field of interest. Recent projects include e.g. DigiFed, AI REGIO, Smart4 Europe2 and FIT4FoF.

Sergio Gusmeroli, born in Sondrio (Italy) in 1961, he finalized his education at Politecnico di Milano in 1986. After several experiences in different branches of the ICT domain, in June 2000, he was appointed director and operating manager of the International Research & Innovation Unit of TXT e-solutions, an IT company leader in EU for Supply Chain management solutions. In TXT he coordinated diverse FP7 EC funded projects in the ICT for Manufacturing domain: COIN, MSEE, TELLME, FITMAN, OSMOSE. Since 2015, Sergio is a research coordinator for Politecnico di Milano and is in charge of many H2020 Factories of the Future such as PSYMBIOSYS, AI REGIO, EUR3KA about Manufacturing Digital Transformation. Sergio is active member of BDVA, co-leading the Smart Manufacturing Industry group and coordinator of DIH4AI project AI-on-demand platform about AI DIH Network and Regionalisation of AI4EU.

Dr. Silke Balzert-Walter works as a Senior Consultant at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Saarbrücken. With a background in business administration and information systems, her focus is on activities for academia-industry collaboration and transfer of research results to industry. She is coordinating the Industry, Innovation and Transfer Program of the TAILOR ICT-48 network, and the work package to connect academia and industry in the VISION ICT-48 CSA. She has been head of the german CLAIRE office since its establishment.

Sonja Zillner studied mathematics accomplished her PHD in computer science specializing on the topic of Semantics. She is Principal Expert and Lead of the Core Company Technology Module “Trustworthy AI” at Siemens as well Lead of the SRIA Editing Team at BDVA. She is professor at the Technical University of Munich and author of more than 25 patents in the area of Industrial AI.

Dr. Spiros Mouzakitis is a senior research analyst for the Decision Support Systems laboratory at the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) at NTUA. His current research is focused on decision analysis in the field of big and linked data analytics, machine learning / deep learning, as well as optimization systems and algorithms, decision support systems and semantic and enterprise interoperability.

Susanne Kuehrer is European Project Lead at EIT Digital, having been involved in/coordinated different FP7/H2020 projects in the areas of incubation/acceleration, Future Internet, Digital Innovation Hubs, Big Data and AI. Susanne has MBA in Intra- and Entrepreneurship and MSc in Human Resources and has made a long career in management posts of various domains before starting EU consulting with the ambitious aim of closing the innovation gap.

Her current position at Ontotext includes responsibilities for conducting research and prototypes development for scientific projects of the company, mainly focused on Semantic Technologies, Machine Learning, and NLP. Currently, she is also an Associate professor in AI at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Tomás technical expertise is mainly in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. Since June 2006 Tomas works as a project manager and technical coordinator for EU-funded projects leading a group of researchers dealing with all aspects related to the data value chain, with special focus on AI, data architectures, data processing, data analysis and technologies such as Natural Language Processing and benchmarking.

In 2015, Valerie Zapico created Valkuren, a company specialized in Big Data solutions development with BI, Data Analytics & AI services to help on decision-making & optimize processes for companies. Named as Inspiring Fifty in 2020 for Belgium, she leads the Women In Big Data Brussels to promote D&I in Big Data domain.