University College London (UCL)
X5LEARN stands for Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site interface for access to openly licensed educational materials.
This micro-project extended K4A's existing prototype of the online learning platform X5LEARN
This microproject extended the existing prototype of the online learning platform X5LEARN ( developed by K4A, UCL, and JSI, and its new IRCAI center under the auspices of UNESCO. It is a standalone, learner-facing web application designed to give access through an innovative interface to a portfolio of openly licensed educational resources (OER) in video and textual format. Designed for lifelong learners looking for specific content wanting to expand on their knowledge, we extended it to AI-related topics.
The updated application is released via IRCAI, a newly designated AI center, and integrated with the AI-on-demand platform.
This Humane-AI-Net micro-project was carried out by Knowledge 4 All Foundation (K4A, Davor Orlic), University College London (UCL, John Shawe-Taylor) and Jožef Stefan Institut (JSI, Marko Grobelnik).