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Knowledge 4 All Foundation

Knowledge 4 All Foundation Ltd (K4A) is a European machine learning focused not-for-profit and an advocate of AI applications for reaching the UNs Sustainable Development Goals.
Knowledge 4 All Foundation Ltd (K4A)[1] is a European machine learning focused not-for-profit and an advocate of AI applications for reaching the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially SDG4 “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.
K4A originated from the PASCAL Network[2] which was an EU funded Network of Excellence comprising some 1000 machine learning, statistical and optimisation researchers that ran for approximately 10 years from 2003-2014. It has de facto lead and built the European and partially international machine learning community through its activities that culminated in today’s AI hype, including supporting the NIPS conference. The unique ways in which K4A supports its 1000+ researchers and 62 member institutions is by co-funding more than 260 events, 60+ machine learning challenges, 20.000 academic video lectures and by creating machine learning tools and software[3]. K4A provides a triage between business, policy and research in AI and Openness, with two main streams of activities, on one side pioneering Machine Learning methods and on the other integrating them into large scale applications for open education. It has a portfolio of AI and blockchain projects, such as transLectures[4], TraMOOC[5], X5GON[6], MicroHE[7] and HumaneAI.
Two K4A trustees are UNESCO Chairs in OER[8] [9] with their core expertise and skill set in machine learning, and John Shawe-Taylor is UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence[10]. Other trustees are in the Artificial Intelligence expert group at the OECD (AIGO)[11] and in the UNESCO Working Group on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence[12]. K4A supports the idea of “Opening up Member States”[13] and has administrative power over the VideoLectures.Net[14] archive. Among its activities has been the creation of an AI ecosystem directory in emerging economies (SSA, LAC, MENA, ASIA)[15] and curation of the 2nd World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress[16]. With the listed assets, K4A is in a unique position to deliver high-quality capacity building services in any AI project. It has run in Sub-Saharan Africa the Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI4D) programme resulting in a number of reports and micro-projects across the continent.
[1] Official website http://k4all.org/
[2] Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning 2 https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/85729_en.html
[3] Open-source MT engine called Translexy API provides translation from English into nine European and two BRIC, languages, namely German (DE), Italian (IT), Portuguese (PT), Dutch (DU), Bulgarian (BG), Greek (EL), Polish (PL), Czech (CS), Croatian (CR), Russian (RU) and Chinese (ZH) http://translexy.com/
[4] transLectures FP7 ICT Project - FP7-ICT-287755-STREP - Language technologies http://translectures.eu/
[5] TraMOOC H2020 Project – Innovation Action, Translation for Massive Open Online Courses (2014-2018) http://tramooc.eu/
[6] X5gon H2020 Project - ICT-19-2017 - X5GON: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network, http://x5gon.org
[7] MicroHE – Support Future Learning Excellence through Micro-Credentialing in Higher Education, Erasmus+, EACEA/41/2016 - Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects https://microcredentials.eu/
[8] UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning https://www.k4all.org/project/unesco-chair-on-open-technologies-for-oer-and-open-learning/
[9] UNESCO Chair in teacher training technologies with OER https://www.k4all.org/project/unesco-chair-in-teacher-training-technologies-with-oer/
[10] UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence https://www.k4all.org/project/aichair/
[11] Artificial Intelligence expert group at the OECD (AIGO) http://www.oecd.org/going-digital/ai/oecd-aigo-membership-list.pdf
[12] UNESCO Courier July-September 2018 Artificial Intelligence, The promises and the threats http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0026/002652/265211e.pdf
[13] Opening up Member States: Opening up Balkans as regional pilot for openness https://www.oercongress.org/event/opening-up-member-states/
[14] VideoLectures.Net, UN awarded website with uncut academic lectures http://videolectures.net/
[15] Emerging economies Artificial Intelligence ecosystem directory https://www.k4all.org/ai-ecosystem/
[16] OER for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education: From Commitment to Action 18-20 September 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia https://www.oercongress.org/
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