New generation of 6-month global forecast
Introducing ESFA (Empirical Season Forecast for Agriculture) – your reliable companion in long-term agricultural planning. Our validated AI algorithms, which outperform other state-of-the-art climate prediction models, are at the core of ESFA's capabilities. Leveraging this cutting-edge technology, ESFA provides an intuitive online platform for delivering precise climate forecasts extending beyond six months. Our forecasts cover a wide and diverse range of climate indices that are crucial for making well-informed strategic agricultural decisions, such as pinpointing the optimal times to sow, harvest, or effectively optimize fertilizer application. Among the indices we offer are Growing Degree Days (GDD), Minimum Monthly Temperature (MnMT), and accumulated rainfall over your chosen periods of interest (6 months), to name just a few, all available irrespective of your geographical location on the globe.

- Global Reach:
ESFA transcends geographical boundaries, offering precise climate forecasts worldwide, ensuring your agricultural planning is informed and strategic, wherever your operations are located.
- Intuitive User Experience:
Navigate through our intuitive online platform with simple map navigation, manageable climate index layers, adjustable time frame sliders, and the ability to obtain time series forecast for specific points.
- Precision and Accuracy:
At the heart of ESFA are validated AI algorithms outperforming other climate prediction models. Our technology delivers near-zero error in forecasting crucial climate indices.
- Diverse Climate Indices:
Access a wide range of climate indices predictions including Growing Degree Days (GDD), Minimum Monthly Temperature (MnMT), and accumulated rainfall (TP) up to 6 months ahead (and with monthly intialization), empowering you to make well-informed decisions.
Welcome to ESFA, a leap forward in using climate data for agricultural insight. Our platform, built on validated AI algorithms, delivers accurate long-term climate predictions extending over six months, aiding farmers and agricultural enterprises in strategic planning.
ESFA's user-centric design allows seamless navigation through diverse climate data. With a few clicks, explore different climate indices like Growing Degree Days (GDD), Minimum Monthly Temperature (MnMT), and accumulated rainfall over selected periods. The adjustable time frame sliders simplify navigating through forecast timelines, providing a clear view of evolving climate trends essential for agricultural decisions.
ESFA's global outreach ensures informed and strategic planning irrespective of your geographical location, helping build a community of data-driven farmers and agricultural enterprises.
Beyond diverse climate indices, our platform facilitates the extraction of time series data for specific points, offering insight into climate trends at locations, beneficial for understanding localized climate impacts on agricultural activities.
ESFA is more than a tool; it’s your partner in navigating climate challenges in agriculture. With ESFA, step into a new era of data-driven agricultural planning, and let's cultivate a future of success together