Verum Software Tools B.V.
The Maritime sector is defined as consisting of the individual shipping, ports, marine and maritime business services industries, each of which comprise a diverse array of activities.
Dezyne is a programming language and a set of tools to specify, validate, verify, simulate, document, and implement concurrent control software for embedded and cyber-physical systems.
"HyDrone is a technology program to develop new concept underwater vehicles, highly reconfigurable with different payloads"
Learn about Open Calls for SMEs offering funding, support programmes and more.
Learn about Open Calls for SMEs offering funding, support programmes and more.
Learn about Open Calls for SMEs offering funding, support programmes and more.
Funding opportunity for low-tech small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) that do not have immediate access or knowledge on AI to improve their products, services, or value chains with the support of AI Experts and High Computing Cloud Providers.
AIPlan4EU is looking for companies and individuals that potentially have a use-case for AI planning.