Neural-Symbolic Integration: explainability and reasoning in KENN
The project combined the insights gained on KENN
"Research bundles" give you a space in the AI on-demand platform where you can collect and publish the outputs of a small research project in a compact way. A research bundle collects in a single place all the assets (code, data, tutorials, examples, ...) produced by your project and published on the AI on-demand platform. Of course, you can also put links to assets published elsewhere, like Github or Zenodo.
The project combined the insights gained on KENN
The project delivered detailed analyses of the tweets around the USA elections and subsequent riots.
We studied online optimization methods for hyper-parameter tuning.
Coping with the variability of human feedback during interactive learning through ensemble reinforcement learning
This project looks at a novel method that can help intelligent systems alert users who are multitasking.
Perform unbiased recommendation for news in the European domain. To achieve it, build a political leaning classifier on a EU-News Dataset
This project investigates the impact of dynamic social graphs on polarization with the Friedkin-Johnsen opinion dynamic model. The model can reproduce also special users in the network with extreme or neutral opinions and not willing to change their minds...
A research project on movement kinematics, where the goal could change its position during action execution in unpredictable way.
The goal of this micro-project is to develop a cognitive architecture able to generate proactive communicative behaviors during human-robot interactions.