Making for Everyone
Interactive, voice-based support for the design of 3D objects for digital fabrication
"Research bundles" give you a space in the AI on-demand platform where you can collect and publish the outputs of a small research project in a compact way. A research bundle collects in a single place all the assets (code, data, tutorials, examples, ...) produced by your project and published on the AI on-demand platform. Of course, you can also put links to assets published elsewhere, like Github or Zenodo.
Interactive, voice-based support for the design of 3D objects for digital fabrication
Creating a functional prototype for online matching of people and expertise for innovation. This project built on the results of the "Asking the right questions" project.
We propose investigating human recollection of team meetings and how conversational AI could use this information to create better team cohesion in virtual settings
Many industrial NLP applications emphasise the processing and detection of nouns, especially proper nouns (Named Entity Recognition, NER). However, processing of verbs has been neglected. This project addresses that gap.
Conversion of the SynSemClass event type ontology to the linguistic linked open data (LLOD) cloud.
This micro-project surveys tools and data sets for experiments for demonstrating the potential use of transformers for multimodal perception and multimodal interactions.
In this project, we investigated the changing pattern in EEG and analyzed the different features in EEG data during the lifting of different weights.
The project combined the insights gained on KENN
The project delivered detailed analyses of the tweets around the USA elections and subsequent riots.