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LISN, CNRS & Université Paris-Saclay

LISN is a joint Université Paris-Saclay / CNRS laboratory.



The Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (LISN) is a joint Université Paris-Saclay / CNRS laboratory with about 400 staff members, including approximately 200 permanent academic personnel. LISN includes several themes that are at the core of AI such as Machine Learning and Datascience, Knowledge Representation and Databases, Computer-Human Interaction and Natural Language Processing.



rue john von neumann
91403 Orsay

Involved in following Projects


STAR is a joint effort of 15 European partners towards designing new technologies to enable the deployment of standard-based secure, safe, reliable and trusted human centric AI systems in manufacturing environment. STAR aims to research, develop, validate...