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Eötvös Loránd University
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is the largest and most prestigious university in Hungary. ELTE is a member of the Artificial Intelligence Coalition of Hungary and participates in the work of the Hungarian AI Coalition, the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB), AI4EU and Humane-AI-NET consortium.
ELTE has a long history of widely recognized research projects in the field of AI, having strong research groups and organizational ecosystems in Faculty of Science (Institutes of Mathematics and Physics) and Faculty of Informatics. Research fields include foundations of AI/ML as well as the applications of those. Currently active areas: mathematical foundations and applications, algorithmic and architectural development of deep networks in basic and applied research, optimality and explainability of neural networks, basic research and applications in the fields of medical imaging, molecular biology, digital biomarkers, infectious diseases, cosmology, astronomy and quantum mechanics, natural language processing, human-machine interaction including Cyber-Physical Systems, remote monitoring, diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation in autism, depression, PTSD, and motion correction, computational modeling, Artificial Life, cognitive science, ethical and legal aspects of AI.
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