Robot-Person Accompainment Simulator
A ROS (Robot Operation System) tool to simulate side-by-side accompainment of a person by a robot in a dynamic environment.

The aim of the robot-person accompainment simulator (ASP-SI) is to provide a ROS (Robot Operation System) tool to simulate the accompaniment of a person by a robot in side-by-side configuration in a dynamic environment, where there are static obstacles and moving objects (e.g., pedestrians). The robot and the person will perform the accompaniment task from an initial to a final destination. Because this simulator has been developed in ROS, you can use most of the modules in a robot with ROS to do real-life experiments.
Execution environment: Linux
Version of the environment: Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic + Docker image
Additional information: The ASP-SI simulator has been successfully used in real-life experiments of robots accompaning people. It includes several ROS packages:
- robot-person accompaniment;
- people motion prediction;
- people leg detection;
- people tracking; and
- people simulation.
To do real-life experiments, you have to use the modules 1), 2), 3) and 4). In each one of the modules, you have to adapt the topics to the robot platform. We have not included in these modules the emergency stop because it depends on the robot platform, but it has to be incorporated for doing real-life experiments.
Technically, the ASP-SI simulator includes:
- C++ library that can be linked to C++ applications;
- Tools for robot-person accompaniment, people motion prediction, people leg detection, people tracking and people simulation;
- ROS bridge to use ASP-SI in ROS-based applications; and
- Gazebo simulator of two IRI platforms (Dabo and Ana robots).
External sites:
- Tutorials and instructions: