RF & AIS Dashboard
RF & OpenAIS Dashboard to allow users to quickly examine data without the need for custom software packages. This map compares AIS data with satellite-detected RF data.

RF surveillance over maritime areas helps to identify high risk activities, paired with AIS data and other datasets to verify and validate vessels.
The radio activity location data products deliver an enhanced Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) picture regardless of the time of day, sea state and weather conditions.
Our Radio Frequency (RF) transmissions & AIS Dashboard allows users to quickly examine data without the need for custom software packages. This map compares AIS data with satellite-detected RF data. AIS messages are obtained and, after aggregating into a trajectory, were joined to the RF data by comparing the shortest spatiotemporal distance between the trajectory and the RF point and RF acquisition time. The blue line is the AIS trajectories, and light blue dots are the closest AIS message to the RF detection (green) Some histograms are also shown to determine the distribution of distances and time on the detection joins.