Predictive maintenance for public lighting system
The main goal is to achieve excellence in the HELIOS public lighting remote management system, implemented in more than 40 cities in Spain. We will use AI to predict future breakdowns for both luminaire and eboxes. The necessary data is included.
The repository Contains an implementation of the model for scrapping the metereological data, preprocessing the data, training the models and doing predictions. The necessary data is included.
The main objective of the project is the creation of a machine learning model able to calculate accurate predictions of future breakdowns for both public luminaires (from now on lights) and electric panels (eboxes). The repo contains the whole pipeline, from raw data preprocessing to training the models and making predictions. The code has excellent comments at each step, ensuring a clear understanding of each module.
The model will take as input information about the breakdown history from the last 5 weeks of a light or an ebox together with context information such as electric readings data and weather conditions. The output is the probability of breakdown in the next 4 weeks.
The code has four main functionalities that can be combined depending on the necessities of the user:
- Meteo web scraping: Gather the meteorological information from a certain municipality over a specified time period using web scraping.
- Data preprocessing: Pipeline to do the necessary data preprocessing of the raw breakdown data, the raw readings data and the scrapped meteorological data.
- Model training: Training of the machine learning models using the prepocessed data.
- Doing predictions: Gather data from the last 5 weeks, preprocess it and make predictions using the trained models.
- User mistrust:
Action: The user is informed about the level of automatization and can decide to accept or not accept the recommendations of the AI
- Posible low accuracy:
Action: We gathered more historical data from multiple cities and we changed the column to predict from a continuous variable to categorical
- Integrity loss:
Action: The is no personal data at all used in the project
- Inability to contest a decision, fake expectations, untransparent decisions, excessive trust in the AI system
Action: We have added strong documentation with extremely detailed information about the models and the development process.
- Hinder the realization of UN SDG's
Action: The models used for this project are Ada Boost with no more than 1GB of data so the carbon emissions of using this models is negligible
- Inability to ensure both the ability to report on the actions or decisions that constribute to a particular system outcome and to respond to the consequences of that outcome
Action: We have conducted multiple internal audits