AIRGo - I-NERGY - GitHub Source Code
GitHub Source Code of the AIRGo's assets.
Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)
Main Characteristic
All the code is Open-Source and available on the PowSyBl GitHub repository.
This library is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101016508.

Research areas
Collaborative AI
Technical Categories
AI services
Business Categories
Last updated
20.11.2023 - 14:58
Detailed Description
A README file is available on the main page of the pypowsybl-grid2opbackend GitHub repository.
This README explains list the information and the steps to install, build and use the poswybl Backend developed. It also details some technical and functional aspects of it.