This project contains the design environment project structure of an AI-SPRINT application. Furthermore, it contains the initial version of the AI-SPRINT parsers.
Main Characteristic
Initial implementation of the AI-SPRINT design tool.
Currently implemented functionalities:
- Creation of new AI-SPRINT applications from template (based on cookiecutter)
- AI-SPRINT annotations (security annotations must be added)
- Parsing of AI-SPRINT annotations (security annotations must be added)
- Creation of AI-SPRINT designs (base + partitions
- Generation of configuration files for each design given the provided annotations:
- Currently only 'exec_time'-derived constraints for monitoring tool
- Some error checking:
- DAG format
- Annotations syntax. Implemented for:
- component_name
- exec_time
- expected_throughput
- partitionable_model
Last updated
12.02.2024 - 16:56