The goal of the UPF4ROS2 case study is to enable the use of Unified Planning Framework (UPF) at ROS 2 (Robot Operating System). The project will employ a technological approach based on the utilization of Managed Nodes introduced in ROS 2. These nodes possess a lifecycle that is defined by observable states and transitions, which can be triggered internally or externally. They have clear responsibilities such as memory allocation, communication management, and error handling. Additionally, UPF4ROS2 will be integrated into PlanSys2, allowing for plan runtime execution. This integration ensures that existing robotic applications using ROS 2 and PlanSys2 can maintain their compatibility, while also enabling the development of new applications that leverage the state-of-the-art planning capabilities provided by UPF. Besides, UP functionality has been added to a cognitive architecture for robots called MERLIN2.

The proposed use case has two main aspects. Firstly, it involves the utilization of planning in mobile service robots for long-term tasks in home-like scenarios. The demonstrator showcases the practical application of the UPF4ROS2 and Unified Planning Framework (UPF) tools on real mobile robots in a certified European Robotics League (ERL) scenario simulating to perform RoboCup tasks.
UPF4ROS2 into a PlanSys2 environment.

Unified Planning Integrated into the cognitive architecture MERLIN2

The software created, including the aforementioned tools, are available as open-source software in the next repositories:
- Demo tests repository (ULE) :
- Principal repository:
https://github.com/PlanSys2/UPF4ROS2 (branch Plansys2_plugin)
Tutorials for using UPF4ROS2 and UPF tools in different environment:
Public Test in ERL Consumer competition Style:
- UPF4ROS2 - Robot Inspection - RoboCup2023
- UPF4ROS2 - Welcoming Demo