Publishing your results as a Research Bundle A brief tutorial on how to publish the tangible results of a small research project in the AI-oo-demand platform, in the form of a "research bundle" read more of Publishing your results as a Research Bundle
Publishing contents on the AI-on-demand platform A 22-minute video tutorial showing how users can publish contents on the AI4EU AI on-demand platform read more of Publishing contents on the AI-on-demand platform
Using the AI on-demand platform in HumaneAINet A 30-minute video tutorial showing how researchers can publish their results on the AI4EU AI on-demand platform read more of Using the AI on-demand platform in HumaneAINet
Publication of Preprint Deliverables of Pre-PAI Project - Preparation for the development of the AI-on-demand platform Preprint publication of deliverables for the preparatory actions of the AI-on-demand platform have been successfully carried out in the Pre-PAI project, which will serve as a blueprint for the "Deployment of the AI-on-demand platform" of the Digital Europ... read more of Publication of Preprint Deliverables of Pre-PAI Project - Preparation for the development of the AI-on-demand platform
Category Development Resources Publication of Material of the Preparatory Action (Pre-PAI) for the "Deployment of the AI-on-demand platform" Publication of material of the preparatory actions for the AI-on-demand platform (carried out in the Pre-PAI project) which will serve as a blueprint for the "Deployment of the AI-on-demand platform" of the Digital Europe Programme read more of Publication of Material of the Preparatory Action (Pre-PAI) for the "Deployment of the AI-on-demand platform"