A service for predicting river discharge in a specific river section for the next time step
SmartRIVER service is an example application of discharge forecasting implemented in context of the I-NERGY project.
This is a service for predicting river discharge in a specific river section for the next time step, using an existing time series of target (e.g. discharge) and input (e.g. meteorological) variables.
It has been tuned for a specific dataset, applying to other dataset requires retuning of the forecast algorithm with site specific input features, please refer to the reusable Jupyter notebook version of the SmartRIVER core forecast system for setting up a dedicated algorithm for a specific river section .
Usage instructions
docker service for smartriver/i-nergy
Download the docker container from dockerhub. You have to install Docker Desktop Software in your pc.
docker pull gecosistema/smartriver:latest
Run the docker container:
docker run -p 8061:8061 --rm -ti gecosistema/smartriver /bin/bash
Finally run the client example where the Features are saved for example. So, insert or replace your values in the and run the client
This docker container has been uploaded also in the AI4EU Marketplace
This asset has been developed in the 1st Open Call of I-NERGY (This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the framework of the I-NERGY Project, funded under grant agreement No 101016508)