SCONE is a runtime that is integrated into executables during the compilation process to run applications in Trusted Executions Environments (TEE) such as Intel SGX.
SCONE is a runtime that is integrated into executables during the compilation process to run applications in Trusted Executions Environments (TEE) such as Intel SGX. Besides adding instrumentation to leverage TEEs, it also provides transparent file system encryption as well as secure communications. Applications are attested to verify if the code is indeed executed in an enclave of a TEE and has not been tampered with. In case the attestation succeeds, SCONE provides the applications with configuration as well as reassurance that confidential information and private keys will never get into human hands.
Ease of use due to the cross compiler and sconification tool such that the applications code itself can be left untouched. SCONE also provides transparent files as well as network encryption.
With SCONE tailored for AI applications, highly sensitive data used for training as well as resulting models are now confidentiality as well as integrity protected.