EURA Summer School “The Regulation of Robotics & AI in Europe: Legal, Ethical and Economic Implications”.
A total of 40 academic hours of interactive, multidisciplinary teaching.
2 ECTS will be awarded upon successful completion of the Course, which requires the attendance of at least 85% of classes and passing the final examination.
Dates: July 4th-9th 2022
Application deadline: June 13th 2022
- Providing an advance understanding of the European framework of robotics and AI tecnologies;
- Defining the new European policy on robotics and AI;
- Providing knowledge and interdisciplinary skills to deal with the development of robotics un Europe, necessary to understand the different issues posed by the development and diffusion of robotics in EU
Target audience: students, policy makers, computer scientists, engineers, professionals from different backgrounds interested in understanding the different issues posed by the development and diffusion of robotics in EU.
Topics include: AI Act and European regulations, IP Law and data protection, liability models for R&AI, AI and public administration, bio-robotics, machine evidence in criminal trials, human-rights impact assessment, innovation models in R&AI, ethical profiles of AI technologies, augmented reality, virtual humans, human-robot interaction.
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