How a group of Polish women used deep learning, acoustics and ornithology to classify birds
Have you ever wondered about the name of the bird you just heard singing? A group of women from local Polish chapter of Women in Machine Learning & Data Science (WiMLDS) organization not only thought about it but also decided to create a solution, on their own, to be able to detect birds species — based on the sound they make.
This project was designed to be a collaboration on a real-life problem which machine learning can help to solve with a typical structure of a data science project including data research and analysis, data preparation, creation of models, analysis of results (or model improvement) and the final presentation.
After the weeks of work, the group has managed to build a solution that predicts the right bird’s name with 87% accuracy on the test sample.
Are you curious about the solution that has been built? We invite you to travel into a world of birds songs.