EO4NOWCAST Near Real-Time Soil Moisture Assessment and Pluvial Flood Nowcasting - Frontend service
Frontend of EO4NOWCAST Near Real-Time Soil Moisture Assessment and Pluvial Flood Nowcasting services
Frontend of EO4NOWCAST Near Real-Time Soil Moisture Assessment and Pluvial Flood Nowcasting services read more of EO4NOWCAST Near Real-Time Soil Moisture Assessment and Pluvial Flood Nowcasting - Frontend service
Backend of EO4NOWCAST Near Real-Time Soil Moisture Assessment and Pluvial Flood Nowcasting services read more of EO4NOWCAST Near Real-Time Soil Moisture Assessment and Pluvial Flood Nowcasting - Backend service
- Generation of current Soil Moisture (SM) local maps based on the use of a ML model that processes ground-based precipitation measurements and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) processed from the last available Copernicus S2 satellite tile. - ... read more of EO4NOWCAST Near Real-Time Soil Moisture Assessment and Pluvial Flood Nowcasting - Pipeline
This asset contains the notebook of the AI model developed in the EO4NOWCAST project, which allows to estimate a current Soil Moisture Map starting from two inputs: - The most recent NDMI map available from Copernicus - The cumulative rainfall map read more of Notebook of AI model to update Soil Moisture Map from Copernicus [EO4NOWCAST]
This AI model developed in the EO4NOWCAST project allows to estimate a current Soil Moisture Map starting from two inputs: - The most recent NDMI map available from Copernicus - The cumulative rainfall map read more of Pre-trained AI model to update NDMI Map from Copernicus [EO4NOWCAST]
This dataset contains a set of samples used in the EO4NOWCAST project to train a ML model to predict current soil moisture map in a Area of Interest (in this case, Genoa basin in Italy). Soil Moisture estimation is a crucial parameter for prediction of fl... read more of Dataset for Soil Moisture Prediction [EO4NOWCAST project]
This short course on Big Data Analytics for Natural Disaster Management (NDM) provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth presentation of advanced technologies involved in the acquisition and analysis of Big Data for NDM. NDM can be greatly improved by... read more of Simulation of forest fires and floods
This short course on Big Data Analytics for Natural Disaster Management (NDM) provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth presentation of advanced technologies involved in the acquisition and analysis of Big Data for NDM. NDM can be greatly improved by... read more of Flash flood modeling and in urban areas using High Resolution hydrodynamic model and machine learning models