Umeå Universtity
The project delivered detailed analyses of the tweets around the USA elections and subsequent riots.
The project delivered detailed analyses of the tweets around the USA elections and subsequent riots. Where we thought we might discover some patterns in the tweets indicating more extreme behavior, it appears that extremist expressions are quickly banned from Twitter and find a home in more niche social platforms (in this case Parler). Thus the main conclusion of this project is that we need to find the connections between users in different social media platforms in order to track any extreme behavior.
In order to see how individuals might contribute to behavior that is not in the interest of society we cannot analyze one social media platform. Especially more extremist expressions quickly disappear from main stream social media to niche platforms that can quickly change over time. Thus the connection between individual and societal goals is difficult to observe by just analyzing data from a single social media platform. In the other hand it is very difficult to link users between platforms.
This Humane-AI-Net micro-project was carried out by Umeå University (UMU, Frank Dignum) and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, Eugenia Polizzi)