PDSim: Planning Domain Simulation
PDSim is an extension of the Unity game engine, adding support for visualising plans to the Unified Planning framework developed by the AIPlan4EU project. This asset enables the simulation and visualization of generated plans through 2D/3D animations.
The Planning Domain Simulation (PDSim) system is an extension of the Unity game engine, adding support for simulating a generated plan using the visualization of 3D animations of user-defined models and objects. The project aims to fill a gap in the area of automated planning simulation and validation by tackling the problem of the scarcity of systems and tools to help users evaluate the quality and validity of a planning model through visualisation techniques.
PDSim uses the Unified Planning (UP) library as a core component for parsing the supported domain definition languages, extrapolating the corresponding knowledge and operators to create visual counterparts within the graphical Unity environment.
PDSim interprets the domain properties and action effects as 2D/3D animations and graphics to provide a visualisation of a planning model and resulting plan which end-users can use to assess the plan's validity and inspect a visual explanation of the planning environment and its actions during plan execution.
PDSim requires the Unity game engine which can be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Using PDSim, a user can customise the model that represents the objects of the planning problem, as well as define the animations. This may include moving an object onto another object, letting the agent follow a path between two points on a map, playing a sound when a particular condition is met, spawning a particle system, etc. The user can create real-world scenes that reflect the execution environment of the planning problem, exploiting the underlying functionality of the Unity game engine as an automated planning tool.
Installation and Wiki
PDSim needs a backend server running UP to connect to the Unity engine available here: PDSim's Backend
For a detailed guide on how to install PDSim and get started with plan simulation follow the official wiki here: PDSim Wiki