Paraspace is a temporal timeline-based planner integrated into the Unified Planning Framework (UPF).
ParaSpace is a timeline-based planner software where planning domains are modelled as the combination of (1) timelines: state transition graphs of individual components, and (2) synchronization rules: temporal constraints between component states. This form of domain description is suitable for component-wise descriptions where each component has an internal state transition logic that interacts with other components through explicit synchronization rules. ParaSpace is implemented by encoding timelines problems to satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) using a novel abstraction-refinement technique, as described in
The Paraspace planner is integrated as a part of the Unfied Planning Framework (UPF) as an oneshootplanner.
The paraspace planner is implemented in the programming language Rust, however it's available through a python wrapper. The planner can either be installed as part as the unified planning framework (UPF)
pip install unified-planning up-paraspace
or as a standalone planner
pip install pyparaspace
Try out and test the software and its capabilities