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22 December, 2021
Society Women in AI

WAI Survey Calls for Help to Form Diverse & Inclusive Work Culture for Women

Women in AI and AI Sweden are launching a survey to find out what women in AI want from their workplace with the WAI@WORK survey. They seek respondents on women's experience of working in AI and dive into identifying key factors that make women choose and stay in their jobs in the AI industry.



WAI survey

The industry wants to attract and hire more female talent - but it struggles with core questions including How can female talent be attracted and hired? What matters to women in AI when choosing a job or career? What can be done to keep them happy and committed?

The survey will take 10 minutes to collect respondents’ experiences, wishes, and needs as women working in AI. Results will be published in a summary format where no individual answers can be recognised. All feedback will be used to create a (free) report that guide AI companies to a more diverse work culture.

Join WAI@WORK survey to shape the diverse work cultures and bring necessary change in processes to attract, hire, retain, grow, and excel women in the field by taking the survey:

You could be working in any field in AI and holding any position, you all are welcome to fill the survey!

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