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18 October, 2021
Society Ethics

AI4EU Workshop on the Culture of Trustworthy AI Completed on High Notes

The first AI4EU hybrid Workshop on Trustworthy AI: Public Debate, Education and Practical Learning was successfully held in Venice on 2-3 Sept 2021 gathering 40 physical participants and 40+ online attendees facilitated by hosts at Università Ca' Foscari Venezia and AI4EU Work Package 5.



Group pic of WP5 workshop

The event had three keynote speakers of Prof Raja Chatila, who presented hot AI issues at the venue, while Prof Mireille Hildebrandt and Prof Luc Steels delivered their speeches on key AI definitions & AI thought leaderships over live streams that went smooth without much technical glitch.

Five AI4EU Working Groups (WGs), drawing volunteer researchers and professionals in AI from various backgrounds, presented their research findings and progress so far in their own pilots and case studies. The WGs were a truly multidisciplinary approach in dealing with complex research issues. 

The workshop also listened to nine contributed talks and three panel discussions on the ethical and legal challenges of European AI, on the governance of AI and on ethics and AI education. Representatives of different European projects including AI4Media, Tailor, Humane-AI net and StairwAI demonstrated their research priorities and focuses in the panel on the ethical and legal challenges of AI in Europe.

On the governance of AI, scholars, and professionals from CAHAI, fAIr LAC, A+ Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms, African Digital Rights Hub shared their opinions on the ongoing priorities and relevant AI issues in Europe, Africa, and Latin America. 

Presenters from Umea University, Ethics of AI MOOC (Finland) and Embedded EthiCS at Harvard (USA) shared their experiences and best practices at the AI and ethics in higher education panel.

Recordings of the event with links to each presentation are available on the ECLT YouTube channel

Day 1:

Day 2:

The event allowed the AI4EU WGs members to meet in person after 10 months of tight collaboration online, people from different EU projects and initiatives to know each other, strengthen relations and discuss possible future collaboration.

For example, we would like to highlight interesting activities such as AI & Equality toolbox ( and the ethical and legal framework for AI applications in the public sector under development by the EU project ETAPA (

Apart from the hosting of the European Centre for Living Technology at Università Ca'​ Foscari Venezia, the event were organised by WP5 leader and coordinators from Barcelona Supercomputing CenterUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Umea University.

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