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21 March, 2024

RoboCompass 3.0: Final Release

The RoboCompass, a cornerstone of Robotics4EU's endeavors, reaches its pinnacle with the unveiling of its third iteration. Embracing feedback from its previous release, the tool now offers sector-specific assessments tailored to the needs of diverse robotics manufacturers. From Agri-food to Healthcare, users can navigate through a choice of sectors or opt for a generic evaluation when necessary. Enhanced with a TRL-based scoring system, it empowers developers to gauge risks and track progress effectively. A user-friendly interface facilitates iterative assessments, ensuring seamless navigation and comprehensive insights. While this marks the final release within the Robotics4EU project, the RoboCompass's legacy persists, promising continued support through the AI-on-Demand platform, driving forward the responsible advancement of robotics.

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RoboCompass 3.0: Final Release

The development of the RoboCompass has been a guiding thread throughout many of the activities of Robotics4EU, and we are proud to present the third and final release of the tool. Following feedback give during the second release, we have implemented major changes to the RoboCompass:

  • The tool has been made sector-specific, in order to provide a more tailored experience to robotics manufacturers from different sectors. The user will have the choice between the following sectors: Agri-food, Agile Production, Healthcare, and Inspection and Maintenance of Infrastructures. An “undefined” option is also available in the case the robot does not fall into these categories. In that case, the generic version of the assessment will be used.
  • The scoring system will take into account the estimated TRL of the robotic system. Indeed, some risks will have a higher impact, and it will be harder to correct course once the system is fully developed and ready for industrialization. We believe a tool such as the RoboCompass will be most useful in the earlier stages of development, but some steps (for example related to communication) can be taken at a later stage as well.
  • A user-friendly interface was developed for iterative evaluation of a given system. As we aim to provide guidance and resources to robot manufacturers, particularly early into development, it is important to allow them to track their progress by taking repeat assessments. Every series of assessments is presented as a “stack of cards”, each card representing an assessment in the series, and allows the user to access previously completed reports. Furthermore, the global report provides an overview of the progress over the different assessments.
  • The dashboard displaying scores across various categories is now more intuitive, user-friendly, and provides more relevant information.


This third release represents the final version in the scope of the Robotics4EU project, but this is not the end of the RoboCompass. The support for this tool will be continued through the AI-on-Demand platform, and all the contents and processes we have used for development will be available in our final deliverables, so that any comment or suggestion can quickly be integrated into the Responsible Robotics Compass. Together, let’s continue driving forward the acceptance of robotics!

Author: Anne Kalouguine (LNE)

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