AI4Media Surveys Gather Insights for Shaping AI Technologies & Apps for Media Sector
The AI4Media H2020 project launches two online surveys targeting members of the AI research community or ICT industry and those professionals working in the media and entertainment sectors. The surveys collect the opinions of the AI research community and media sector representatives to identify the most important trends, benefits, challenges, risks, facilitators, and ethics for the use of AI in the media sector.

The surveys will help the AI4Media consortium in the development of a Roadmap on AI technologies and applications for the Media Sector. The results of the surveys will be published as part of AI4Media's public deliverable "D2.3 – AI technologies and applications in media: State of Play, Foresight, and Research Directions".
The surveys are anonymous, so there is no record of your name or the name of your organisation. The collected data is not linked to respondents and is only going to be used in an aggregated way in this deliverable or any subsequent AI4Media publications. No personal data of the survey respondents will be collected or stored.
The surveys take around 10-15 minutes to complete.
Surveys’ structure
The surveys include the following sections: (1) Professional background of survey respondents; (2) Future AI technology trends for the media sector; (3) AI benefits for the media sector; (4) AI risks for the media sector; (5) AI challenges for the media sector; (6) Adoption of AI solutions by media sector; (7) AI ethics & AI regulation.
Each section usually includes 1-2 multiple choice questions + complementary open-ended questions (allowing you to elaborate in case the previous choices were not enough).
Some survey questions and answers have been inspired by Deloitte's survey on "The State of AI in the Enterprise", 2nd edition (https://tinyurl.com/2p8kzptv).
If you are a member of
- AI research community or ICT industry, working as an AI researcher, AI software developer, data scientist, or AI ethics/legal expert in an academic/research institution or the ICT industry, or
- Media & entertainment sectors (news industry, film/TV/radio industry, gaming industry, etc.) or your work is about the media sector more broadly (e.g., fact-checker that works in NGO, representative of an independent authority that supervises and regulates media, the social scientists who study the media, etc.)
Please take the SURVEY until Sunday, 23rd January 2022, at 23:59 CET!
Your opinion is crucial and would help us to shape the future of AI development and applications for one of the most important sectors in our society! Let’s join us TODAY!
If you do have questions about the surveys, please send an email to filareti@iti.gr.