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9 December, 2021
Business Health

ICT-48 Hosts the TDW III: AI for Future Healthcare on Dec 16

The ICT-48 projects TAILOR, HumaneAI-Net and VISION and CLAIRE AISBL announced the third Joint Theme Development Workshop in 2021 with the focus on identifying common goals between academia and the healthcare sector as well as other relevant stakeholders and defining promising approaches for European research and innovation in Trustworthy AI.




Prospective participants are expected to use the opportunity to discuss with other experts the importance and the use of AI in the Healthcare Sector. This workshop will bring together key experts and stakeholders from this sector with AI researchers to discuss with other experts the challenges and opportunities in future healthcare.

The full-day online workshop will take place on 16 Dec 2021 via Zoom and consists of keynotes followed by breakout sessions where specific aspects of future healthcare will be discussed in more detail. Apart from the overview about AI in healthcare, AI, genomics and precision medicine, experts also present use cases and AI in healthcare management and improvement. The breakout sessions include a series of emerging and important topics ranging from health data sharing to trustworthy aspects of AI in a series of possible applications in healthcare.

Further information about the topics and the programme can be found in the attachment, some more general information about Theme Development Workshops and their target groups is available via the VISION website.

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