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01.03.2023 | 08:30 - 18:30 (CET)

e-Symposium on Computational Politics 2023

Part of the AI Mellontology Symposium series

Politics (in Greek: ‘Πολιτική’, ‘city-state affairs’) refers to activities associated with decision-making in social groups (including states), or other forms of power relations among individuals and/or social strata (Wikipedia). It is essentially the art or science of government (Merriam -Webster). Therefore, politics require both the analysis of political, social and financial data, decision making and decision execution/monitoring. As all these political activities concern both information analysis and control of societal processes, they can be greatly assisted by Information Technologies (IT), notably Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Systems Theory (Cybernetics). Computational Politics refers exactly to the use of AI and IT in politics and Political Science.