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31.05.2023 | 14:00 - 15:00 (CET)

AI-Cafe presents: Exit the Needle, Enter the Haystack: Supervised Machine Learning for Aggregate Data

Fabrizio Sebastiani
(Institute for the Science and Technology of Information Italian National Council of Research)

As in other sectors of our economy, AI has entered the financial trading scene as a real game changer. AI is proposed to deliver several benefits to capital markets, making them faster, more liquid and cost-effective, thus perhaps more efficient. Yet AI-powered trading may expose capital markets to new sources of instability and failure. In the latter regard, increasingly capable and autonomous AI trading systems and strategies threaten market integrity in unique and significant ways.

Focusing on the dark side of AI trading, this talk will address innovative and challenging questions such as: Can AI autonomously discover and perpetrate forms of market manipulation without any prior human intent? And how does existing financial regulation address the risks associated with autonomous, black-box AI? In particular, who will be held liable for damages and crimes committed by AI? How to monitor AI trading behaviour and prevent misconduct? Are financial supervisors able to detect abnormal trading activities and investigate suspected cases of AI-optimized manipulation? In other words, where do financial regulators stand on protecting market integrity in algorithm-dominated capital markets?


Fabrizio Sebastiani

Fabrizio Sebastiani is a Director of Research at the Institute for the Science and Technologies of Information of the Italian National Council of Research (ISTI-CNR), where he leads the AI4Text group; formerly he was a Principal Scientist at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (2014/16), and an Associate Professor at the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics of the University of Padova, Italy (2005/06). His research interests lie at the interface of machine learning, NLP, information retrieval, and data mining, with particular emphasis on learning to quantify, technology-assisted review, authorship analysis, cross-lingual learning, and their applications.

He is a Senior Associate Editor and the Acting Editor-in-Chief for ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ACM Press), a Founding Editor and former co-Editor-in-Chief of Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval (Now Publishers), and a former member of the editorial boards of numerous journals in the field. He is the Editor for EMEA of Springer's Information Retrieval book series. He has been, among others, a General Chairman of ECIR 2003, SPIRE 2011, ACM SIGIR 2016, ECIR 2021, and CLEF 2022, and a Program Chairman of ACM SIGIR 2008, ECDL 2010, and ACM AFIRM 2020.

A fairly complete list of his publications is at