AI-Café presents: AI in Leadership - Leadership in times of digital transformation and the importance of AI
Dr. Fereshta Yazdani (Consultant at Lufthansa Industry Solutions)
The dynamics of the digital transformation, that was and is rapidly driven by the corona pandemic, has an increasing impact on leadership in organizations. Nowadays, managers have not only the responsibility to lead employees, but also require the necessary skills, such as agility, willingness to change, leadership at distance etc. to create a diverse and inclusive corporate culture in the organizations. AI serves as an anchor and can leverage to increase agility and facilitate the implementation of innovative ways of digital transformation within companies. In this presentation, I will show the important role of AI as anchor and driver of leadership in the digital transformation.
Currently, Dr. Fereshta Yazdani works as consultant at Lufthansa Industry Solutions. In the past, she worked in academia in the area of robotics and artificial intelligence she did her PhD in at the institute for artificial intelligence in Bremen. As consultant she operate in different positions such as data scientist, AI & cloud expert and project manager with various customers in automotive industry, aviation, telecommunications and insurance. Next to her job, she volunteers at Women in AI as Bremen City Lead to empower and sensitize women to the topic AI and machine Learning and works as a mentor in different communities to encourage more women to work in IT positions.