Fertirec offers Nitrogen Recommendation services for four major crops (Wheat, Barley, Rapeseed, and Corn) at both the postcode and district levels. This service is available for customers in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK).
What is the challenge that is being addressed?
The Nitrogen (N) fertilization rate recommendation is a decade old problem that is yet to be solved in an efficient way. Existing technologies are either too expensive or time consuming. As a result, farmers make fertilizer rate decisions based on their experience, which is not data-driven and includes guesswork. This project intends to provide a solution to the current service gaps. With the solution, a user can get a fertilizer rate recommendation, ahead of the season, by providing postcode and crop type. This not only helps the farmers in fertilization efforts, but also assists them in fertilizer purchasing decisions.
What is the AI solution the project has implemented?
We have employed Machine Learning Models to detect crop types from satellite imagery, a crucial step in generating Nitrogen (N) fertilizer recommendations. Furthermore, we have utilized AI to translate satellite data into N uptake estimations and finally N recommendations.
Who helped implement the AI solution?
This solution is implemented in the context of FertiRec, a winning project from the AI4Copernicus 3rd Open Call, by the Spacenus GmbH company. The consortium consists of [company] and [company], while the results of the project are available here.