AI4 E2O.GREEN AI powered pipeline for Golf and Grassland Monitoring
AI4 E2O.GREEN is a pipeline for automated Golf and Grassland Monitoring through interactive maps and computer vision models based on Copernicus data and services.
What is the challenge that is being addressed?
Challenge of increasing agricultural productivity, an application of a deep learning model designed for object classification for observing grassland in golf and urban environments in order to mitigate urban green space overheating and greenhouse gas reduction
What is the AI solution the project has implemented?
The AI4 E2O.GREEN AI assets contain two sets of scripts for generating a pipeline for Golf and Grassland Monitoring through interactive maps and computer vision models based on Copernicus data and AI4 Copernicus bootstrapping services.
Who helped implement the AI solution?
This solution is implemented in the context of AI4E20.Green, a winning project from the AI4Copernicus 4th Open Call. The consortium consists of the 3D Executive Management Systems, the LIST LABS and the Profida companies. The results of the project are available here.