Universal Minimization on the Node Domain
An experimentation framework that assesses how well graph neural networks (GNN) can minimize various attributed graph functions on the node domain.
An experimentation framework that assesses how well graph neural networks (GNN) can minimize various attributed graph functions on the node domain. read more of Universal Minimization on the Node Domain
A novel progressive training algorithm for learning Graph Neural Networks with Differential Privacy guarantees read more of ProGAP: Progressive Graph Neural Networks with Differential Privacy Guarantees
A tailored Graph Neural Network architecture with Differential Privacy guarantees for both training and inference. read more of GAP: Differentially Private Graph Neural Networks with Aggregation Perturbation
Federated training of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with Local Differential Privacy read more of Locally Private Graph Neural Networks
Network theory has very many application areas, where graphs are of primary importance, in e.g.,: -Communication networks -Epidemiology -Systems Biology -Social networks. Social Media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, to name a few) has had a ... read more of Graph Neural Networks Lecture
Network theory has very many application areas, where graphs are of primary importance, in e.g.,: -Communication networks -Epidemiology -Systems Biology -Social networks. Social Media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, to name a few) has had a ... read more of Network Theory. Social Media Analysis Module