The project aims at investigating systems composed by a large number of agents belonging to either human or artificial type.
The project aims at investigating systems composed by a large number of agents belonging to either human or artificial type. The plan was to study, both from the static and the dynamical point of view, how such a two-populated system reacts to changes in the parameters especially in view of possible abrupt transitions. We are planning to pay special attention to higher order interactions like three body effects (H-H-H, H-H-AI, H-AI-AI and AI-AI-AI). We hypothesized that such interactions are crucial for the understanding of complex Human-AI systems. We have analyzed the static properties both from the direct and inverse problem perspective. This study paved the way for further investigation of the system in its dynamic evolution by means of correlations and temporal motifs.
This Humane-AI-Net micro-project was carried out by Università di Bologna (UNIBO, Pierluigi Contucci) and Central European University (CEU, Janos Kertesz).
The project is part of the Humane-AI-Net network of excellent research centers in AI. It contributes to this network in the following aspects:
Tangible outcomes: