SymK Unified Planning Interface
This asset provides the interfacing between the SymK planning system, designed to generate diverse plans and maximize plan utility, and the unified planning framework developed by the AIPlan4EU project.
SymK is a state-of-the-art classical optimal and top-k planner based on symbolic search.
A planning problem is characterized by an initial world state that a user wishes to transform into a desired state using a set of possible actions. SymK makes it possible to find either a single optimal plan or a set of k different best plans. SymK can also maximize the utility of the resulting state while respecting constraints on the cost of the plan. In addition, SymK inherently supports several modeling features rarely available in other planning systems, including conditional effects and derived predicates with axioms.
The AIPlan4EU project has developed a Unified Planning (UP) library to simplify the use and interfacing of different types of planning techniques, including classical planning. This asset includes the code needed to connect the SymK planner with the UP, thus using SymK as one of the possible planning engines.
SymK is a state-of-the-art classical optimal and top-k planner based on symbolic search, now accessible through the UP.
Operation Modes
The package can be easily installed as follows.
pip3 install up-symk
Alternatively, you can simply install the UP together with SymK as follows.
pip3 install unified-planning[symk]
Try it yourself! Several demos showing how to use SymK are available online.