A full implementation of the Institutional Analysis and Development framework.
The ngames (short for "norms and games") library provides a full computational implementation of the Institutional Analysis and Development framework. It implements the Action Situation Language (ASL) and provides the automated game engine to generate extensive-form game models out of ASL descriptions. The workflow implemented by the ngames library allows for the automated analysis of the impact that social rules have on a multiagent system.
This library implements a computational model of Elinor Ostrom's Institutional Analysis and Development framework. It includes the interpreter to the Action Situation Language (ASL) and the game engine to automatically generate extensive-form games from ASL descriptions.
ngames requires a working installation of the following:
- Python 3
- SWI-Prolog
- The PySwip package
For the time being, the ngames package requires to download a local copy of the source code. The path to the package should then be appended to your Python path (see how).
See the examples folder for detailed illustrations of the framework in action. To analyse your own scenarios, you should create your ASL description in three distinct files:
Then, to construct the extensive-form game semantics of your description, it is enough to call:
>>> build_full_game(<path_to_ASL_description>, <identifier>, (threshold=..., max_rounds=...))
See the documentation for further details.
Ostrom, E. (2005). Understanding Institutional Diversity. Princeton University Press.
Montes, N., Osman, N., & Sierra, C. (2021). Enabling Game-Theoretical Analysis of Social Rules. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development (Vol. 339, pp. 90–99). IOS Press.
Montes, N., Osman, N., & Sierra, C. (2022). A Computational Model of Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development Framework. Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 311). Elsevier.