The ImageCLEFAware 2021 Dataset
The dataset enables the open evaluation of photographic profile rating and ranking algorithms that can provide users with privacy-related feedback.
We hypothesize that user feedback would be more efficient if conveyed through the real-life effects of data sharing. The objective of the task is to automatically score user photographic profiles in a series of situations with a strong impact on her/his life. Four such situations were modeled this year and refer to searching for (1) a bank loan, (2) accommodation, (3) a job as a waitress/waiter, and (4) a job in IT. The inclusion of several situations is interesting in order to make it clear to the end users of the system that the same image will be interpreted differently depending on the context. The dataset includes 500 user profiles with 100 photos per profile was created and annotated with an "appeal" score for a series of real-life situations via crowdsourcing.