ENHSP Unified Planning Interface
This asset enables the use of the ENSHP planning system inside the Unified Planning library.
ENHSP is a numeric planner, a system for automatically generating a course of actions to reach a desired objective given a formal model of a system (e.g. a robot) subject to logical and numeric constraints.
The AIPlan4EU project developed a Unified Planning (UP) library to simplify the use and interfacing of various kinds of planning techniques, including temporal planning. This asset encompasses the code needed to connect the TAMER planner with the UP, thus using TAMER as one of the possible solution engines.
ENHSP, Expressive Numeric Heuristic Search Planner, is a PDDL automated planning system that supports:
- Classical and Numeric Planning (PDDL2.1)
- Optimal Simple Numeric Planning
- Satisficing Non-Linear Numeric Planning
- Planning with Autonomous Processes and Discrete Events (PDDL+)
- Global Constraints and Expressive Formulas in Preconditions and Goals
ENHSP transforms the PDDL descriptions into a graph-search problem where nodes represent states visited by the planner. The planner builds this graph in an incremental-forward fashion, and is guided by a heuristic function to explore only those nodes whose associated state is reachable from the init and get the planner closer to the goals. A good heuristic function is crucial for such a kind of approach, and ENHSP puts a lot of effort in finding heuristics that can reason effectively over numeric problems.
Operation Modes
- OneshotPlanning
- AnytimePlanning
Problem Kinds
- Numeric fluents
- Disjunctive Preconditions
- Custom heuristics