Vision and Sport Summer School 2022
Prague, Czech Republic • 25 July - 30 July 2022
Vision and Sports is a special kind of summer school. In addition to a broad-range of lectures on state-of-the-art Computer Vision techniques, it offers exciting sport activities.
Schedule Monday to Friday
9:00 - 12:00 Lecture
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 16:00 Lecture / Exercise
16:30 - 18:30 Sports
Saturday Workshop
The teachers will present their latest research work during a one-day workshop. Students can attend this exciting workshop for free and have the opportunity to see some outstanding research leaders discuss the cutting edge of computer vision research.
Vision Lectures
Deep learning in computer vision
Best practice in machine learning for computer vision
Large scale indexing, retrieval, and learning
Variational methods and geometric reconstruction
Visual tracking
Weakly supervised learning of visual models
Large scale Structure-from-Motion
Large scale specific object recognition
Vittorio Ferrari - Google Research
Ondra Chum - CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
Jiri Matas - CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
The school is supported by
ELLIS - the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems
ELISE - European Network of AI Excellence Centres