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Call for HPC Cloud providers (StairwAI and BonsAPPs projects)


BonsAPPs and StairwAI projects are looking for EU entities that own HPC computing and data resources capable of providing on-demand access to HPC clouds to third parties.


BonsAPPs and StairwAI, EU Funded projects created within the EC´s strategy to support the development and uptake of AI across the European Union, have united forces to create the catalogue of HPC Cloud providers that will ensure HPC Cloud on-demand services for third parties funded during both projects.

What are the benefits?

  • Becoming a part of the European AI ecosystem that will support the development and uptake of AI across the European Union.
  • Unique opportunity to be connected with top European AI.
  • Receive financial support for providing infrastructure services (up to 10.000 EUR/Use Case Supported).
  • There could also be a longer-term engagement opportunity for the HPC providers in future projects where Fundingbox is involved in.

Who can Apply?

Entities legally established in any of the EU member states and H2020 Associated Countries that own HPC computing and data resources capable of providing on-demand Access to HPC clouds.

How to apply?

Interested HPC Cloud providers should read the Guidelines and fill and submit their offer service via the online form available at the Funding Box platform:

Registered HPC Cloud providers will be reviewed and validated by StairwAI and BonsAPPs teams according to the eligibility (country) and validation criteria (technical requirements and pricing).