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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) was founded in 1880, and it is today an internationally renowned research and education university.
Since its foundation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has stood for scientific and value-driven education, research and knowledge transfer. We are free thinkers with expertise and A Broader Mind. And we work together to build a better world for people and the planet.
VU Amsterdam is a unique university with faculties in the humanities, STEM, social sciences and medical sciences. Our education and research are closely linked. We combine our top position in research with a strong social orientation, which has resulted in an excellent international reputation. Our education and research are distinctly multidisciplinary.
The AI research programme focuses on some fundamental areas from the field of AI: self-organising systems, machine learning, knowledge representation and social AI. We work in close interaction with application areas, such as e-science, finance, healthcare and social robotics.
More information of the AI research programme can be found here.
De Boelelaan 1111
1085HV Amsterdam