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Founded in 1990, UPF is a public university, rooted in the city of Barcelona , highly competitive in research and with a vocation for educational transformation to respond to the challenges of the future.
The Language Evolution Lab is one of the resarch groups of the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, oriented to the analysis of the Origin of Evolution of Language studying the cognitive mechanisms, interaction patterns, and collective dynamics that could explain how grammatical structures arise in human language by building agent-based models and using the hypothesis that self-organization and (linguistic) selection are the primary driving forces. The research is based on the hypothesis that language is a complex adaptative system that emerges through adaptive interactions between agents and continues to evolve in order to remain adapted to the needs and capabilities of the agents. This research has been implemented in fluid constructions grammar (FCG), a formalism for construction grammars that has been specially designed for the origins and evolution of language.
The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning group is one of the research groups of the Departement of Information and Communication Technologies at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.The group research covers a number of areas, including:Automated planning,Interactive machine learning,Learning theory,Probabilistic graphical models,Autonomous robotics and Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs).
Plaça Mercè, 10-12
08002 BARCELONA Barcelona