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Pixstart transforms satellite data into relevant information that can be used directly
within your monitoring and decision-making processes.
The information is directly accessible in the form of a subscription through product applications or integrated into specific studies.
Pixstart promotes an offer accessible for all by prioritizing the use of open-data. In the case of satellite data, we use in particular the satellites of the European Copernicus program and the US Landsat program. For the specific needs of certain customers, we supplement our services with so-called commercial data such as very high resolution satellite data (Pléiades, Worldview, etc.).
The Pixstart serivces are :
If you are told satellite data and you only think “Enemy of the State” (film directed by Tony Scott) and Google Earth Ⓒ,
so it’s time to acculturate to everything that earth observation by satellite can provide you with information about your own business processes.
Pixstart thus offers you acculturation sessions individually or in groups.
We can take the opportunity to brainstorm
around of a use case adapted to your business.
You understand how to use satellite data, and for you there is no doubt that it brings you value.
Surely Pixstart has already implemented a product adapted to your business allowing you to benefit a lot of reliable data and updated regularly.
Do not hesitate to view the list of our products on our Website and contact us to take advantage one of our annual services.
You need more complete information mixing satellite data, in-situ data, land or public data and which allows an important temporal analysis.
We offer territorial assessments integrating know-how in statistics and environmental science (ecosystems) using a history of more than 5 years data anywhere in the world.
244 route de Seysses
Bat 3
31100 Toulouse