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Lobelia Earth

Lobelia Earth is an SME based in Barcelona specialised in satellite technology, machine learning algorithms, computational intelligence and data visualisation in two complementary business lines: climate services and urban air pollution.
We work with trusted data providers and have a growing network of international collaborators. Lobelia is a pioneering company that develops insightful platforms grounded on scientific knowledge and radically new software technologies to pave the way towards a zero-carbon economy in the mass market.



Lobelia Earth is a self-standing SME based in Barcelona, specialised in satellite technology, computational intelligence and data visualisation for climate action. Lobelia Earth was created in November 2018 as a separate downstream services unit of isardSAT Group (also known as isardSAT).

Lobelia works for the private and public sectors providing climate services, building on datasets from trusted providers as well as producing its own models and data. The company builds applications and operates products that people use and engage with on a regular basis across the world.

Lobelia has developed operational services for the analysis of climate risks from a scoping perspective, as well as for the quantification of impacts for materiality assessment. Lobelia's products are available off-the-shelf for climate risk assessment and are adapted to numerous sectors such as water management, early warning systems, infrastructure, insurance and agriculture, among others. At urban scales, Lobelia Air -an operational air quality monitoring and forecasting service- has revolutionised air pollution action plans in Barcelona and Madrid, and was officially presented in COP25 in favour of sustainability and smart mobility strategies.

Lobelia has proven experience in managing and leading complex technical projects lasting several years with a long-track record of contract management and technical assistance to international and intergovernmental organizations such as the WB, FAO, UN-Habitat, ECMWF, EUMETSAT and Copernicus Marine. Several projects also involved direct communication and interaction with local communities, institutions and regulators, especially in African countries such as the Permanent Interstate Committee for drought control in the Sahel and AGRHYMET.


Barcelona Technology Park - Marie Curie 8-12
08042 Barcelona Barcelona

Involved in following Projects


AI4Copernicus is a European H2020 project that aims to bridge Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Earth Observation (EO) world by making the already developed AI4EU AI-on-demand platform, the digital environment of choice for users of Copernicus data, for r...