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EKA S.r.l. (http://www.eka.it) born as a spin-off of the University of Salento in mid 2010, is a SME that has its registered office in Bari and the main operating office in Lecce (Italy).
EKA S.r.l. (http://www.eka.it) born as a spin-off of the University of Salento in mid 2010, is a SME that has its registered office in Bari and the main operating office in Lecce (Italy).
The aim of EKA is to provide solutions and services on innovative processes and technologies of Engineering Knowledge through research and industrial activities.
The core business of EKA: processes and technologies of Business Process Management, Document & Content Management, Product Lifecycle Management, CAD, Business Intelligence and Analytics, Industrial Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence & Big Data adequately supported by continuous research and innovation.
The Research and Development (R&D) unit is entirely dedicated to research and innovation activities with the ultimate aim of creating new skills by enriching the company's assets: the output of research activities considered more innovative in terms of approach, methodology or technology they undergo a process of revision and industrialization to adapt the innovation opportunities to the corporate business model with the aim of creating solutions to be transferred to the corporate Business Units (MBE and DBE) and therefore propose new skills on the market of commercial offers.
The main activities carried out are the development of a cloud-based environment for engineering support to contemporary companies in the management of multidirectional exchanges of knowledge and feedback received both from within the company itself (from design, service and manufacturing) both from the outside (customers, suppliers and other relevant players within the value chain, distributed all over the world). At the same time the R&D focused on the methods and techniques AI based for managing the knowledge within and outside the companies and also defining and structuring a repository for logging this, in addition to data analysis and application development of Industrial IoT and Big Data. Also, with a view to making the knowledge and innovative services created more usable, R&D Unit activities aims to explore innovative technologies and methods in the field of user interaction.
The innovative services defined by R&D unit are developed with the aim of being integrated within the DIH platform.
The core business of EKA S.r.l is mainly focused on: consultancy services to improve the efficiency of a company’s production processes, from Business Process Management, which models, automates and optimizes the company's business flows, to Product Lifecycle Management, which allows it to manage all types of business data and processes for product definition throughout the life cycle; System
Integration Activities aimed at synergistically integrating all business software and platforms so that data, knowledge and information can flow and be shared smoothly; Application Management Services intended to eliminate communication barriers due to the malfunctioning of the applications or their obsolescence.
Eka S.r.l. also provides the expertise of its consultants to carry out customized software development.
Thanks to the team’s in-house experience, the company is able to support the creation of customized software solutions for customers, providing them with web, client/server, legacy or embedded custom application development services as well as updating, modification and maintenance of existing applications.
Via Garruba, 3
70122 Bari BA