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DigiFarm detects the world’s most accurate field boundaries and seeded acres to power precision agriculture and in-fields analytics, we do this through developing deep neural network models for automatically detecting boundaries through super-resolving Sentinel-2 imagery from 10m to 1m, dramatically reducing the cost and need to purchase commercial SatEO.
DigiFarm has successfully delineated over 400+ million hectares of fields achieving detection accuracies of above 94%, 12-15% higher than existing boundary data (Cadastral data, i.e. CLUs in US and LPIS in EU-region). DigiFarm’s business model is based on Software as a Service (SaaS); licensing our services (Field boundaries, Multi-year zoning, long-term Sustainability Index, Sentinel-2 at 1m imagery and S2-time-series to B2B/B2G agriculture clients, both historically and near-real time during growth seasons. As DigiFarm delivers key automation and full-stack data-layers from high-resolution Satellite data (for continuous in-season monitoring of biomass) to zoning analysis, this enables our clients to leverage a one-stop shop for all the data-layers required to adapt precision agriculture technologies (VRT: variable rate fertilising, seeding and fungicide protection) to the full cycle of monitoring and benchmarking potential yield (based on vegetation and biomass) for specific plots and boundaries, in-season near-real time, to a fraction of the cost of alternative services and commercial SatEO data providers.
Holsetgata 22
2317 Hamar